Red Garnet Inlaid Silver Jewellery 
A number of our Silver Jewllery designes are inlaid with red Garnet semi precious stones. Garnets are a group of silicate minerals that have been used since the Bronze Age as gemstones and abrasives.
All species of garnets possess similar physical properties and crystal forms, but differ in chemical composition. The Garnets are important minerals, and are primarily known for their gemstone uses. The transparent varieties are used in all forms of jewelry, with the most extensively used color being dark red.
Types of Garnet
Garnets are a related group of minerals. Members of this group include: almandine (red to violet red); spessartite (yellow, rose, or orange to reddish-brown); pyrope (deep red); grossular (white, yellow, yellow-green, brownish-red, orange or black); andradite (colorless, yellow-green, or brown to black). The most prized garnet is an emerald green variety called demantoid and is a member of the adradite group.
Sources of Garnet
Currently, the world's largest supply of garnets is the continent of Africa. In December 1996, a student in Central Australia discovered what is thought to be the largest single garnet ever found - measuring nearly one hundred feet across! other sources of garnet include India, Soviet Union, Brazil and the United States.
Healing properties of Garnet (for those interested in crystals healing)
The red Garnet is said to be associated with the thyroid and spleen. It helps cleanse and purify both when held over the area. The Garnet is usually held in the hand or placed on top of the head when searching or meditating on past lives.
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